Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Cell phone roaming in Canada

One of my pet peeves are the exorbitant costs that the cell phone companies charge when you roam from the US to Canada. I use T-mobile, but I hear the same complaint from colleagues who use Cingular. For voice I end up paying $.59 a minute.

Worse are the data charges! On the face of it, .10 per Kb does not seem much, until I notice that my monthly usage in the US is 20-40MB, on a $20 unlimited data plan. But when roaming, this would result in a $200-400 monthly data charge.

In this day and age, when international travel occurs so easily, and internet and long-distance connections on landlines are so cheap, does it really cost that much for the companies to provide roaming. Or are we frequent travelers being milked as cash cows to pay for all those "free" minutes that other less traveled subscribers get?


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